Meet Georgie

Please meet Georgie – He is a Full Grown Poodle mix who is thought to be 5 years old according to our vet. He weighs 15lbs. We are guessing his birthday is 04/19/2019. He came to us from a small shelter who frequently asked us to step in to help and we do as much as possible. He is Fully Vaccinated, Microchipped and his Neuter will be fully paid for and provided by us. We are just waiting for an available appointment. We do not want to hold up his forever home while we are waiting for said appointment. He has been with us approx 2 months and is all but perfect. He is housebroken, quiet and cuddly. He is also ready for any and all activity we have to offer. He adores going on walks and he also adores cuddles! He is a great dog! A fenced in yard would be nice but not necessary for him as long as he can be walked – Tie outs are not acceptable for this rescue so please don’t ask if that’s okay. He gets along with other dogs and cats, not sure about children. He is a Happy, Active guy who needs a suitable family who will provide him with a lifetime of loving care. If you are interested in meeting him please email or text us at or 856-285-8502. His adoption fee is $400 – he comes with Leash, Collar, Harness, Bed, Food, Treats, Toys, All Vaccines, Microchip and Neuter. Once you make contact with us we will arrange a home visit. We will bring Georgie to you and if we are all happy, the adoption will be finalized at that time. We do things very different here at Misfit
Angels of South Jersey and we think you will truly appreciate our process. We ask that you do not – DO NOT fill out an application you find online. This application will not come to us but rather go to a rescue in Michigan. We do not need the wasted time that is associated with this! We thank you for looking and we thank you for looking to open your heart and your mind to a rescue animal!